Maybank Asset Management Strengthens Its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Offerings with Its Global Environment Fund
KUALA LUMPUR, 22 AUGUST 2022 – Maybank Asset Management Sdn Bhd ("Maybank Asset Management") has expanded its ESG product offerings with the launch of the MAMG Global Environment Fund ("the Fund"), a certified Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) fund as defined by the Sustainable and Responsible Investment Funds Guidelines.
The MAMG Global Environment Fund is a sustainable thematic feeder fund from Maybank Asset Management that invests in BNP Paribas Global Environment Fund (“Target Fund”), a Luxembourg-domiciled global equity fund that invests in companies that are active in the environmental sector and aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The Target Fund focuses on new energy, sustainable food, water, circular economy, smart environment, clean and efficient transport.
To achieve its investment objective, the Fund will invest a minimum of 90% of the Fund’s net asset value (NAV) into the Target Fund and a maximum of 10% of the Fund’s NAV into liquid assets with the aim of increasing the value of its assets over the medium term. The Target Fund has also been awarded with the SRI* and Towards Sustainability** labels.
Ahmed Muzni Mohamed, Chief Executive Officer of Maybank Asset Management, said, “Ever since Maybank Asset Management embarked on its own ESG journey in 2020, we have been working with like-minded partners regionally and globally to expand and strengthen the importance of “sustainability investing” to our socially conscious investors to build a more sustainable world and economy. We are pleased to note that our investors are now more aware and have strong interest in ESG related Funds.
Today, we are pleased to introduce the MAMG Global Environment Fund, a fund that gives our investors access to businesses expanding rapidly across a range of industries with a focus on waste reduction, environmental restoration or nurturing, and the application of innovation and technology to provide sustainable solutions.
This latest Fund strengthens our ESG value proposition and assists our investors in making the transition to sustainable practices by giving them access to financial solutions that match their needs which will eventually add value to society and the environment.”
Guenter Tschiderer, Head of Intermediary Sales, Hong Kong & South East Asia, BNP Paribas Asset Management added, “Sustainable thematic investing has been gaining traction among investors, and we expect to see many more investment opportunities in the environmental space theme. These include companies dedicated to fulfilling the ever-increasing global demand for solutions that enhance energy efficiency, tackle pollution and reduce waste.
As part of BNP Paribas Asset Management’s forward-looking sustainability approach, we continue to remain dedicated to this space. Through the proven experience of our global investment teams and long and successful track record we aim to help investors niche out opportunities in a high-growth sector that can be tricky to navigate. Equally important, BNP Paribas AM also ensures that the strategy can meet the financial and social goals of our clients.
This is particularly quintessential given the challenges of our times and how these global environmental and social issues have manifested so quickly today – in the form of unprecedented heatwaves and floods across the world.”
The Fund is suitable for investors who intend to invest for the medium to long term and are willing to tolerate the risks associated with investing in the Target Fund, including the risks of investing globally.
The Fund’s Base Currency is in US Dollar. The Fund is offered in five (5) currency classes, namely MYR Class, MYR-Hedged Class, USD Class, AUD-Hedged Class, and SGD-Hedged Class. The minimum investment amount is $1,000 for all listed currency classes.
Investors are advised to read and understand the contents of the Fund’s Product Highlights Sheet and Prospectus dated 22 August 2022 before investing. To know more about the Fund, investors can visit and invest through Maybank Asset Management’s authorised distributors nationwide.
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Note: *Label SRI, June 2022. The “Sustainable and Responsible Investment” (SRI) label is a tool for selecting responsible and sustainable investments, created and supported by the French Ministry of Finance. It also aims to ensure that the management of the fund is based on a solid methodology, with a high degree of transparency and quality information. To obtain the SRI label, a fund must meet a set of criteria, divided into six themes. More information is available on
**Toward Sustainability label, June 2022 Created by the Belgian federation of the financial sector in 2019, the Towards Sustainability label was designed as a standard or quality standard that all funds claiming to be sustainable, socially responsible, or ethical must respect. It aims to become a market standard, at least for Belgium. More information is available on the
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